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Пришло на почту

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You E-Mail Addres has WON!!!!!
P O Box 1010 Liverpool, L70 1NL UNITED KINGDOM
(Customer Services)

We are pleased to inform you today 9th May, 2007 of the result of the winners of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY ONLINE PROMO PROGRAMME, held on the 1st of May, 2007.

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of 1,000,000 (One Million Britain Pounds Sterlings) in cash credited to file XYL/26510460037/06.

To file for your claim, please contact our claims agent with the following information:

Agents Name: Mr. Pinkett Griffin.
TEL : +447045708136

REF No: UKNL-L/200-26937
BATCH No: 2005MJL-01
TICKET No: 20511465463-7644
SERIAL No: S/N-00168
LUCKY No: 887-13-865-37-10-8
Provide him with the information below:

1.Full Name:
2.Full Address:
3.Marital Status:
8.Country Of Residence:
9.Telephone Number:

Congratulations once more from all members and staffs of this program.
Круто :D



Это тупой и неприкрытый "социальный анализ" или действительно ты в чём-то таком участвовал?



Это тупой и неприкрытый "социальный анализ" или действительно ты в чём-то таком участвовал?

Нет, не в чем я не участвовал:) А что это за анализ? проверка на жадность?:)



Нет, это когда хакер ищет лохов. Часто американцы и вообще беспечные домохозяйки в пароль и логин вставляют кусочки личных данных или данные целиком. Будешь знать имя любимой собаки - можешь получить "бинго" - ну или как-то так в теории. Кроме того в почтовых службах - например на "мыло.ру" можно попросить изменить пароль на таком-то ящике... если ты чётко перечислишь а) день рождения б) место проживания в) Ф.И.О. . Есть ещё на свете такие люди которые а) на "мыле" оставляют свои настоящие данные б) сообщают их подобным мошенникам в надежде зашибить бабки.
Что с этими данными, который злоумышленник получает типично со спектра ящиков (а в толпе может и найтись какой-то лох...) можно сделать потом, думаю можно себе представить. В основном это подставы и создание красивой маски в каких-то общалках.



Понятно. Спасибо за разьяснения ;)



Напиши полиции англии письмо - пусть прозондируют информацию) Вдруг этот телефон и мыло ведут к злоумышленнику. (а вдруг он не заметал следы? )) совсем. )) )



Яшмовый дед
Ага и утром следующего дня его вздёрнут на сосне)))



А на мое мыло вот такая тема пришла. Правда, я действительно  в какаой-то херне участвовал от балды.

P.O. Box 1010, Liverpool, L70 1NL UNITED KINGDOM.
(Customer Services Department)[/b]


We happily announce to you the draw (#990) of the UK NATIONAL LOTTO online Sweepstakes International program drawn at 8.30pm GMT on 26th January 2007:. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: UKNL/B4401 with Serial Number 00811C drew the lucky numbers:

which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd Category i.e. match 5 plus Bonus. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of ?200,000.00 [Two hundred thousand Pounds Sterling] in cash credited to file UKNL/4726414249/37.This is from the total cash prize of ?1,000,000.00 [One Million Pounds Sterling]; shared amongst the (5) lucky winners in this category i.e. Match 5 plus bonus.

All participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide Web sites through computer draw system. Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our African Booklet representative office in Nigeria .. In view of this, your ?200,000.00 [Two hundred thousand Pounds Sterling ] would be released to you by our accredited fiduciary agent. They will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact them. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential until your money is processed and remitted to you. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program, Please be warned. To file for your claim, please contact our accredited fiduciary agents;

Frank Associates.
Fiduciary Officer: Mr. Frank Oluehi
Telephone; +234-802-984-1612
Email: frank_oluehi07@yahoo.com

You are therefore advice to send the following information to the Claims Agent to facilitate them to process the transfer of your fund without delay

1. Full name
2.Mailing address
3.Contact Address
4.Telephone Number
5. Marital Status
7.Date of Birth

8. Cell phone number.
9. Nationality

You can go to our online result site to confirm the value of your winnings and also get a prize breakdown:


Good luck from myself (Mr. Richard K. Lloyd) and members of staff of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.

Yours faithfully,

Richard K. Duke.
Online coordinator for UK NATIONAL LOTTO
Sweepstakes International Program.[/b]

Заметьте, адрес тот же.



Тот же лохотрон



привет всем кто читает. Я из Украины, г.Харькова. Хочу поделиться такой информацией. На моё мыло пришло письмо от левого адреса с просьбой сохранять конфедициальность полученной информации. Письмо следущего содержания:
P.O. Box 1010, Liverpool, L70 1NL UNITED KINGDOM.
(Customer Services Department)


We happily announce to you the draw (#990) of the UK NATIONAL LOTTO online Sweepstakes International program drawn at 8.30pm GMT on 26th April 2007:. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: UKNL/B4401 with Serial Number 00811C drew the lucky numbers:

which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd Category i.e. match 5 plus Bonus. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of 200,000.00 [Two hundred thousand Pounds Sterling] in cash credited to file UKNL/4726414249/37.This is from the total cash prize of 1,000,000.00 [One Million Pounds Sterling]; shared amongst the (5) lucky winners in this category i.e. Match 5 plus bonus.

All participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide Web sites through computer draw system. Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our African Booklet representative office in Nigeria . In view of this, your 200,000.00 [Two hundred thousand Pounds Sterling ] would be released to you by our accredited fiduciary agent. They will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact them. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential until your money is processed and remitted to you. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program, Please be warned. To file for your claim, please contact our accredited fiduciary agents;

Frank Associates.
Fiduciary Officer: Mr.Frank Oluehi
Email: f.oluehif@yahoo.com

Good luck from myself (Mr. Richard K. Lloyd)and members of staff of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.

Yours faithfully,

Richard K. Duke.
Online coordinator for UK NATIONAL LOTTO
Sweepstakes International Program.

Note: Anybody under the age of 16 is automatically
disqualified. *************** DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS MAIL.

Вобщем я решил немного разобраться в этом лохотроне и общался со своим доверенным агентом несколько раз. Он действительно с Негерии, но выгранные деньги надо получать через банк от другого человека. Банку надо 300 у.е. и заполнить дешовую форму для получения денег. Короче говоря лохотрон полнейший. Если кто - то чемто подробнее может поделиться относительно такого плана письма, буду благодарен.
Р.S. А письмо из банка такого содержания:

Attention: Lotto Winner,

We have received a copy of your Claims form from Mr.Frank Oluehi of the U.K National lotto and have approved your file for payment this
afternoon  following official request. You are to fill the attached
International transfer form carefully and sign underneath. Also send
to us a scanned copy of your National passport or Driver's License for
Identification purpose, this is to avoid double claiming.

Since we are going to pay you in US Dollars the current rate of your
transfer will be $399,800.00 (Three hundred and ninety-nine thousand
eight hundred US Dollars). For us to process your transfer you are
required to make a payment of $300 to enable us swear an affidavit of
fact and stamp duty. We CANNOT deduct this processing fees from your winning prize and please DO NOT ASK us to do so. This is the legal document required to obtain foreign exchange approval from the Central Bank of Nigeria.

Please send back this form to

Dr Rasheed Mohammed
International Remittance Officer
email: international.remittance@standardtrustbank.tk
Tel no +234 833 07549

Also I am giving you the payment instructions on how to pay for the
Affidavit of Fact and stamp duty by WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER in the name of our Financial Accountant. We CANNOT deduct this processing fees from your winning prize and please DO NOT ASK us to do so. This is the legal document required to obtain foreign exchange approval from the Central Bank of Nigeria. So use the Payment details below and make the payment for the Processing of your Winning Prize.

Senders Name
Senders Address
Receivers Name: Kelechi Anyanwu
Receivers Address: #12 Olu Drive Lagos Nigeria
Money Destination Country: Nigeria
Text Question: Colour
Answer: Red
Amount to be paid: $300 US Dollars

Send back the Payment details to us by tomorrow so that your winning
Money can get to you soon. I wait your urgent response to this
email. Also send to us the scanned copy of the payment slip from

Mrs. Sarah Olu
Customer Services
Standard Trust Bank


Отредактировано iuji (28-Jul-2007 22:03:58)



Да-да, письмо из ливерпуля слегка взбудоражило, но не надоло, я зашла на сайт национального лото и там написано следующее:

Fraudulent (Scam) Emails – what to do firstLottery scam (fraudulent) emails are increasing at an alarming rate.
Scam emails try to persuade the email receiver to submit personal information or to part with money as an up front payment in order to release a winning lottery prize.
As a general rule, if you have not purchased a ticket for the UK National Lottery, you won’t have won a prize, and you should treat the email with absolute caution.
The following points are some things to look for in order to identify a fraudulent email:
If the email says ‘Winning Notification’ or ‘Lottery Sweep Stake’ in the text, the email you’ve received is not from UK National Lottery;
We don’t tell players how much they've won in an email; and
We don’t ask for any Player information like name, address or bank details on an email.
There is no need to contact us if you have received a lottery related scam (fraudulent) email.
As we are constantly looking to improve our communication with our players, we have now changed all our email addresses to the following:
We will now use only these addresses to send you all important communication such as purchase confirmations and rollover alerts.
To ensure your National Lottery emails reach you please add us to your Address Book or Safe Senders' List. Find out how to add us to your Address Book.
Common Lottery Scams — Further assistance:The National Lottery website is safe and secure. Nevertheless, you need to be on your guard against Internet fraudsters. Below are details of some of the more common fraudulent activities:
Email scams that claim you have won a Lottery prizeThese scams work in two ways:
Method 1: Persuade the victim to part with personal information to allow the scammers to carry out Identity Theft.
Method 2: Persuade the victim to part with money as an up front payment in order to release a winning Lottery prize which does not exist.
Signs of a fraudulent email:
There may be a sense of urgency, eg ‘respond within X days or your Account will be closed’
There may be embedded links (links within the body of the email) that look legitimate because they contain all or part of a real company’s name. These links may take you to spoof sites which ask you to update personal information, or may download key—logging software onto your PC
Spoof websites can be difficult to spot. To make sure you’re on our site, type wwwnational—lottery.co.uk into your browser and see if you arrive at the same place
Spoof websites (known as ‘phishing’)Fraudsters create false or ‘spoof’ websites that look very real, with the aim of persuading users to enter personal information such as passwords and memorable information. They will then re—use this information to access your Account. Customers get emails claiming to be from official websites asking them to click on a link within the email to the ‘spoof’ site.
The National Lottery would never ask you to email us with confidential information.
In order to protect yourself from such scams, we advise the following:
Don’t click on links in unsolicited emails
Never send any up—front fees required in order to ‘claim your prize’
Never disclose personal information or financial information via email or a ‘claims’ or ‘verification’ form
If you wish to visit a particular website, always key in the address directly rather than using an embedded link
Always remember, where you wish to discuss your Account with us, we will always verify your identity by asking specific security questions disclosed to us when you set up your Account. Our Interactive Customer Care team do not have access to your full password
Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!
For details of other websites that carry useful information on Internet security and current

я думаю, это многое объясняет, так что, друзья мои, не обольщайтесь, да, кстати, а номера билетов-то одинаковые, только даты разные...
думаю, это поможет в принятии правильного решения не портить себе жизнь.
Так что  удачи!



Добрый день всем участникам "лохотронной" темы. Мне пришло это письмо одновременно с Лотерейным (то о чем в здесь говорили.). А это что может быть? В чем фишка?

I am Isa Salmon, A Bahrain national I have been
diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer .It has defiled all
forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only
about a few months to live.I am very rich,but was never
generous, I have given most of my assets to my immediate
family members. I have decided to give alms to charity
organizations.I cannot do this myself anymore because of
my health.I once asked members of my family to give some
money to charity organizations,they refused and kept the
money.I have a huge cash deposit of Eighteen Million
dollars with a finance House abroad. I will want you to
help me collect this deposit and dispatch it to charity
organizations.You will take out 20% of this funds for
your assistance.
Isa Salmon.



I have a huge cash deposit of Eighteen Million

Поскольку здесь выделено Одиннадцать Миллионов долларов - меня навещают скептические мысли о том, что искалась опредлённая целевая аудитория. Глубокие, дремучие, жадные лохи.

I have a huge cash deposit of Eighteen Million
dollars with a finance House abroad.

- за границей. Есть три идеи насчёт возможного издевательства.
1) Вас попросят приехать, например, в Швейцарию. овеваемый радужными надеждами ты тратишься на пустую поездку.
2) В процессе переписки выяснитя что для того чтобы помочь бедняжке, ей надо \ередать паспортные данные с фотографией загранпаспорта/номер кредитной карточки ))))
3) Автор спама - хронофаг и просто будет долго жрать мозги, стеная о несчастьях своих, благотворительности, религии и проч., выдавливая слёзы из пуритан.

А теперь задумайтесь, если вам в самом деле собираются доверить 11 млн. юсэдэ, то какая гарантия что а) вы их не упрёте; б) что вам оттдадут кровные 20%. А если эти деньги были откуда-то украдены, то как поступят со свидетелем-курьером? ))

И если случайно автор письма вещает правду... надо подумать ещё десять раз перед тем как лезть в дела миллионера...

// А вообще стоит ли думать всерьёз? Часто подобные письма указывают адрес по которому нельзя связаться с  автором...



Йо, и мне прислали на ящик вот такое письмецо:
P.O. Box 1010, Liverpool, L70 1NL UNITED KINGDOM.
(Customer Services Department)

Congratulations you have won 200 000 pounds sterling.Your e-mail
address linked to ticket number: UKNL/B4401 with Serial Number 00811C
drew the lucky numbers:

( 01 14 25 37 39 47 )

contact our fiduciary agent on: fnkoluehi@aol.com

Yours faithfully,
Van Austt.

а потом ещо такое:
Dear Winner,

First of all I will like to congratulate you on your winning. The UK
National lotto has been going on for many years now. We have had many
previous winner from various email address. The UK Lotto collects email
addresses of users who are online at any moment and use it for their
draws. As you can see that your winning prize fell under our Africa
fiduciary office that is why am your agent.Your prize award has been
insured with your e-mail address and will be transferred to you upon
meeting our requirements, statutory obligations, verifications,
validations and satisfactory report. You winning as you can see from
you email is worth 200,000.00 pounds sterling and will be processed
immediately you forward to us the needed requirements.Please find
attached your payment verification form. Follow the instructions
carefully to fill in the form.After filling it please return it by
email attachment for processing.In your best interest to avoid mix up
of numbers and names of any kind, we request that you keep the entire
details of your award strictly from public notice until the process of
transferring your claims has been completed, and your funds remitted to
your account.This is part of our security protocol to avoid double
claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants/non-participants of this
program. You can call me (if you can speak English) on my private cell
phone +2348053897013 for further briefing. Congratulations once again
on your winning.
  Note*** Be warned that the U.K Lotto reserves the right to cancel your
winning if you fail to meet all requirements for your payment and at
the appropriate time.
Frank Oluehi.
+234 8053897013
Вообщем потом пришло ещё одно подобное письмо, что мне надо заполнить бынковский бланк, и отправить им, в этом бланке мои все данные и номер счета, только пока не просят отослать им каких нибудь денег. Как и сдесь на форуме пишут, письма присылает какой то Frank Oluehi, если что то кто то слышал подробнее об этой фигне то напишите пожалуйста, буду признательный.



привет всем!
слушайте, мне на почту такая же фигня приходила... а я дура анкету заполнила. (ну я подумала, что если даже кто-то узнает мое имя и адрес ниче не случиться)
но когда пришло второе письмо, где надо указать реквизиты банка... я поняла, что это развод полнейший....

вот, почитайте:
We have received a copy of your Claims form your agent Mr. Frank of the U.K National Lotto and we have approved your file for payment following official request. You are to supply us with the below details immediately.

First Name:
Bank Name:
Bank Address:
Account Number:
Swift Code (if available):
Preferred currency for payment (USD, RUSSIAN RUBBLES OR EURO):

Make sure you don't make any mistakes. Also send to us a scanned copy of your National passport or Driver's License for Identification purpose, this is to avoid double claiming.
The current rate of your transfer is:
USD: 394,735.43
Euro: 252,604.81
Russian Rubles: 9,301,169.31

For us to process your transfer you are required to send to us an AFFIDAVIT OF CLAIM AND STAMP DUTY from a Federal High Court in Nigeria. You are to contact the Head of our Legal Department Barrister Martin Johnson.

Swift Code (if available):
- это же имеется ввиду код к реквизитам???


Вы здесь » Black Dragon Lair » Юмор » Пришло на почту